Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Punxsutawney Phil Rises Again

"Punxsutawney Phil Predicts 6 More Weeks of Winter"
The Cleveland Leader (February 2, 2009)

"This winter has been an especially rough one in northeast Ohio and the nation as a whole, and most of us are probably hoping that the endless snow and bitter cold will let up soon. But if we are to believe Punxsutawney Phil and his prediction today, we've still got another six long weeks of winter to go.

"That's right, the world's most famous groundhog saw his shadow Monday morning on Groundhog Day, which according to legend means we have another six more weeks of winter...."

Looking outside, here in central Minnesota, six weeks looks optimistic, if anything.

It's nice to see that some silly, entertaining, customs have survived into the 21st century.

(from The Cleveland Leader, used without permission)
"Get me away from the crazy man!"


Brigid said...

The photo for the article is just begging for a caption. Like "Get me away from the crazy man!"

Brian H. Gill said...


That's a good one.

I think I'll add a link to that photo.

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