Monday, February 16, 2009

Funny Phweeters: You Mean, Darth Vader Doesn't Tweet?

"15 Fake and Funny Twitter Accounts"
"Faux accounts are all the rage -- here are the best, most current Phweeters (phony tweeters) we're following."
PC World (February 15, 2009)

"The Phweet Heard 'Round the World

"Fake Twitter accounts have been in the news a lot lately. Last week, the Dalai Lama started tweeting, and then we found out "His Holiness" was actually a fake.

"Kanye West dissed Stephen Colbert last year on Twitter. Then we found out it wasn’t Kanye after all. A White House Twitter account, which had been updated during the Bush years and then switched to Obama right after the inauguration, also turned out to be bogus...."

I'll admit it: I thought some of these were funny.

On the serious side, I'm not at all sure that impersonating a real person online is a particularly good idea - unless you've made very sure that visitors know what's going on.

My favorites of the lot: "Erica's Fish" and "Darth Vader."

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