Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sadie Hawkins Day: From Dogpatch to Main Street

"Sadie Hawkins Day"
the Official L'il Abner web site

"Sadie Hawkins Day, an American folk event, made its debut in Al Capp's Li'l Abner strip November 15, 1937. Sadie Hawkins was 'the homeliest gal in the hills' who grew tired of waiting for the fellows to come a courtin'. Her father, Hekzebiah Hawkins, a prominent resident of Dogpatch, was even more worried about Sadie living at home for the rest of his life, so...."

'Life imitates art,' and all that sort of thing. And, another case where Dogpatch seems to be run along more rational lines than most of the rest of America.

You can't publish comic strips like that any more.

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