Monday, May 12, 2008

"The trouble with parents and kids...."

"The trouble with parents and kids...."
BlogCatalog discussion thread (started May 12, 2008)

This discussion thread has, after five hours, given some good (I think) observations about a scene most Americans have seen - and it may be playing out elsewhere, too.

Here's how it starts:

"There is a trend now, that I see in parenting, that disturbs me a great deal. It isn't anything "new" per se, but the rapid rate in which is is surfacing in younger moms is kind of scary, if you ask me.

"Today, watching a friend with her kid I saw the epitome of the problem. Let me outline the events:

"Mom- OK, it's time to go!
Kid - NO! (ignores mom)
Mom - OK, let's go, come on, come ON.
Kid - NO I'm playing! (continues ignoring)
Mom - ONE.......
Kid - NO!
Mom - TWO....
and on it goes.

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