Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Twittering From Haiti: RAMhaiti

Update (January 14, 2010, 9:25 a.m. Central)

iRAMhaiti is back online.

44 minutes ago, he posted this, on Twitter:

"RT @MissDinNYC: @ramhaiti Can you tell me if Rue Hyppolite or Delmar or Impasse Legros were badly hit? Looking for Wilfred and Camille D ..."
On Twitter, Richard Morse is RAMhaiti.

And he's in Haiti.

About two hours ago, he posted this message:

"my internet got real slow..I'm going to turn it off for a few minutes"

Before that, he was "Tweeting" about the situation around him. I trust that he's okay, and that we're looking at technical difficulties: no surprise in a poor country that's been knocked flat.

A tip of the hat to, on Twitter, for the heads-up on RAMhaiti.

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