Friday, January 15, 2010

Port au Prince, Haiti: Before and After Satellite Photos

"Satellite Photos of Haiti Before and After the Earthquake"
Wired Science (January 14, 2010)

"The pictures and video from on-the-ground reports in Haiti following the magnitude 7 earthquake Tuesday are truly heartbreaking. But it is difficult to imagine the full extent of the damage to that country and its capital, Port-au-Prince, in particular. These new satellite images released Wednesday by Google and GeoEye show the devastation from above, giving a new view of the severity of this disaster. We've posted some of the images here. You can also scan the entire city with Google Earth as well.

"The satellite image above, captured by the GeoEye-1 satellite Wednesday morning, shows the National Palace after the quake. Below is an image from March 2008...."

The wired article has about 10 pairs of before-and-after photos, starting with the Presidential Palace:

(Google or Google Eye, via Wired, used w/o permission)

(Google or Google Eye, via Wired, used w/o permission)

"Haiti imagery layer now available
Google Lat Long Blog (January 13, 2010)

"We've worked closely with GeoEye throughout the afternoon to make their most recent satellite imagery of Haiti, taken at approximately 10:27am EST today, available as a KML overlay for Google Earth. You can download the KML here and open it in Google Earth, or look at it via the browser plug-in below. As you'll see, the imagery shows a powerful glimpse into the destruction in Haiti. Here are before-and-after screenshots of the Presidential Palace and an area of Port-au-Prince:..."

There's more than the following set of photos.

(from "Haiti imagery layer now available (Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 7:05 PM [Central]), used w/o permission)

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