Friday, September 3, 2010

Oil Painting: Brushes from Flat and Fan to Filbert and Rigger

"Choosing Paintbrushes: Which do you really need?"

"Paintbrushes come in a variety of shapes. The common ones are Round, Flat, Bright, Filbert, Fan, Angle, Mop, and Rigger.

"Besides the differences in shape, some paintbrushes use synthetic fibers like nylon while others use natural hair including squirrel, hog, goat and sable; and then there are those which have a blend of both.

"I don't believe that you need a special brush to paint a particular object. Of course there's nothing to stop you from buying them, but you don't have to have them - even though you may find use for each of them occasionally...."

It's a fast read, and pretty good advice: assuming that you know the difference between a flat, a filbert and a bright. If not - well, there are other places you can learn that.

Like this:

"An Artist's Guide to Oil Painting Brushes and the Paintbrush Types You'll Need"

"If you're an oil painter you know that there are a lot of oil painting brushes available to choose from—big, small, square, angled, and everything in between.

"In the image above, you can see several common types of artist's paintbrushes: Round, Flat, Bright, Filbert, Fan, Angle, Mop, and Rigger. Besides the differences in shape, some brushes use synthetic fibers, some use natural hair, and some paintbrushes have a blend of both.

"Of course, each of those different types of paintbrushes come in several sizes. Some—like the Rigger—are around the size of a pencil tip, while others can be almost as large as a typical house painting brush.

"All of it adds up to a wide array of options that leads new artists, or artists just getting into oil painting, to ask: 'Which brushes should I buy?'

"Well here's my advice...."

If that picture looks familiar, you've been to - or a Wikipedia article on brushes - or maybe seen it elsewhere online.

The Lemming is no art expert: but Dan's advice is probably sound. He's of the 'keep it simple' school of thought - and sometimes uses a house brush. The sort of thing you use when painting the siding of a house.

He's also got what sounds like good advice about what sort of bristles work with oil paints.

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