Sunday, September 5, 2010

Drinking (Some) Coffee is Good For You

"Study Shows Coffee Drinkers Could Have Lower Blood Pressure"
Health News, RTTNews (September 3, 2010)

"A new report given before the European Society of Cardiology Congress suggests that drinking coffee could help older people who suffer from high blood pressure.

"According to lead researcher Christina Chrysohoou of the University of Athens in Greece, older people who drink one to two cups of coffee a day elastic blood vessels than those who drink less or more...."

In common with many findings like this, more isn't better.

That last sentence, by the way (ending with "...older people who drink one to two cups of coffee a day elastic blood vessels than those who drink less or more.") ends right where my excerpt ends. It makes more sense, if you read the next paragraph. The writer's saying that drinking one or two cups of coffee a day was the habit of older folks who generally had more elastic blood vessels.

The article's short, has data - including numbers - from the study, and fits into the Lemming's 'moderation makes sense' attitude. So I think it's pretty good stuff.

The content, anyway. Someone really should have proofed that "elastic blood vessels" sentence. And corrected it.

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