Science Daily Press Release (April 16, 2009)
Inbreeding: Good For Keeping Power in the Family; Not so Good for the Family
Sounds like the Hapsburgs were in the habit of marrying cousins - and, two times, an uncle and niece - to keep political power in the family. In the short run, it worked. Just one problem: after a while, the family died out.More, at:
"Inbreeding brought down Spain's Habsburgs: study"
Reuters (April 14)
"Rare inherited genetic disorders worsened by repeated inbreeding may have brought down the powerful Spanish Habsburg dynasty, Spanish researchers said on Tuesday.
"Checks of genealogical charts and analysis of King Charles II's reported health problems suggest he may have had two rare conditions called combined pituitary hormone deficiency and distal renal tubular acidosis, the researchers speculated in the Public Library of Science journal PLoS ONE...."
Charles II of Spain was a mess. He did learn to speak: when he was four. And, the monarch was able to walk: starting at age eight. He died when he was 39, leaving no children.
No wonder he was called El Hechizado ("The Hexed")
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