Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Excalimaze: That's a Really Big Maze-in-a-Picture


(from amazeking.com, used w/o permission)

That's a thumbnail from the amazeking.com website. The puzzle is 2592 by 1722 pixels: about 2 megabytes. That's over 300 dots/pixels/lines per inch on an 8' x 10' printout: where it'll look a whole lot like a hand-drawn picture. Which is what I suspect the maze started as:

(from amazeking.com, used w/o permission)

I haven't printed Excalimaze out and solved the maze - partly because I don't think it's one of those 'solved-in-five-minutes' puzzles, and right now I don't have a whole lot of free time to deal with. But don't let that stop you: This looks like fun.

Or, maybe, a sort of substitute for refrigerator door art.

Either way, enjoy!
A tip of the hat to IDreamHappily, on Twitter, for the heads-up on this maze.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey! I drew that maze. I looked my own stuff up, and saw this post just now... That maze was drawn exactly as you see. I didn't draw a picture then erase stuff to make it a maze... I assure you!

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