Tuesday, April 20, 2010

These Houses are For the Birds

"Avian Architecture / Building Birdhouses"
Building Collector (March 25, 2010)

"Spring is officially here and our thoughts turn to…outdoor flea markets in search of souvenir buildings! Well that, but spring also means blooming flowers and chirping birds.

"Those nesting birds with growing families have to live somewhere and we architectural aficionados would not let them live among mere sticks. Avian architecture can take two forms - outdoor bird houses and indoor bird cages..."

(from Building Collector, used w/o permission)

This is a short post. There's not much text, and three photos. Eight, if you count the 'panes' in each photo. On the other hand, there are links to several commercial pages - with pictures of remarkable birdhouses.

This isn't your ultimate birdhouse page: but the photos give you an idea of how many different ways there are to provide living space for birds, and visual fun for us.


Brigid said...

Isn't there a place down the street with a birdhouse that's a miniature of the house it sits near?

Brian H. Gill said...


Quite a ways down the street: near downtown. And, yes. That's one of my favorite items in Sauk Centre.

Brian H. Gill said...


I deleted a comment left by "go-blogger" - it links to a domain registered in Indonesia - nothing wrong with that - which appears to have attempted a takeover of my browser, when I took "go-blogger" up on the invitation "to visit my blog its all about cute and other things."

I generally don't bother to check come-ons that use "cute" and "beautiful," but in the context of this post I thought it possible that "go-blogger" meant these terms in the sense that I use them.

Oh, well.

I'm pretty sure my computer's okay, by the way, but I'm starting a malware scan anyway.

Damien S. Riley said...

Spectacular find Brian. I will share with others.

Brian H. Gill said...

Damien S. Riley,

Thanks! On both counts.

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