Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Angst Got You Down? Try Being an Elephant!

"I'm off to run with the elephants, Mom…"
Oddly Enough (July 26, 2009)

"Blog Guy, I don’t like where my life is headed lately and I need to make some changes. Where can I get insight into other lifestyles?

"The best place is the lifestyle section of our online video clips.

"For instance, the top item there now shows elephants rampaging through a tea estate in India...."

I'm pretty sure that this is humor, or a spoof of 'lifestyle' articles, or something like that.

But, I'm a fellow who was born during the Truman administration, survived both the sixties and disco, and has seen hippies, Yippies, and yuppies come and go. This elephant lifestyle isn't the craziest alternative I've seen come down the pike.

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