Sunday, October 3, 2010

Return of the Ninja Chipmunk

"Cat and Ninja Chipmunk"

me3tv, YouTube (February 21, 2006)
video, 1:28

"Ninja Chipmunk takes on the cat. Oreo in an inside/outside cat. She is well fed. I'm sorry I did not mow the grass, but I think it saved the chipmunk. Oreo also wears a bell to warn critters in advance. Somebody has noted the 'chipmunk' here is really a 'ground squirrel' as chipmunks have a very short tail - but somebody else said chipmunks are just a 'type' of GS. More from our area of the country at"

This is one of Apathetic Lemming of the North's few 'repeat' posts. The Lemming did a micro-review of this video back in 2008:Only without embedding the video.

Now, back by popular demand (my own), here's Ninja Chipmunk! Now embedded!


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