Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Folding Chair History: Overlooked?

"The History of Folding Chairs and Its Modern Variants"
Dominic Munroe, Ezine@rticles

"Folding chairs have become a necessity. Seldom, there is an outdoor event without extensive use of them. In the UK they are also used for important indoor events such as funerals, sport games and birthday parties. In fact, the widespread use of them is ubiquitous throughout the world. Perhaps, it is the portable nature of folding chairs which has given it an instant fame.


"Although, folding chairs have been in constant use since many centuries, but it was Fredric Arnold Company in Brooklyn which started mass producing them, made of aluminum. Such was the demand that the Brooklyn plant was soon producing more than 14,000 chairs, every day. While most of us are aware of the function of folding chairs, few consumers ever inquire about its history.

"Interestingly, the first recorded use of folding chairs goes back to Egyptian dynasty where folding stools were used for sitting and ceremonial purposes...."

It's a pretty good introduction, and easy reading - oddities like "Interestingly, the first recorded use of folding chairs goes back to Egyptian dynasty where folding stools were used for sitting and ceremonial purposes" notwithstanding.

Surprisingly - or maybe not - there isn't all that much authoritative information online about the development of folding chairs in the ancient world. Mostly, they're mentioned in passing - in an article that discusses something else. Like:Related posts:

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