Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Taming a Panicked Parakeet

"Caring for Parakeets : Taming a Parakeet"

expertvillage, YouTube (September 25, 2008)
video, 3:27

"If your parakeet is wild and excited, learn different ways to tame and calm parakeets in this free pet care video.

"Expert: Elizabeth Cantu
"Bio: Elizabeth Cantu has owned and been working with parrots since 1994. She has been active in captive parrot rescue and rehabilitation.
"Filmmaker: julio costilla"

This isn't a polished video with a professional narrator: you'll hear quite a few "um" and "you know" interjections. That said, Elizabeth Cantu does a good job of explaining how to convince a panicked parakeet that you're not a source of danger.

There's common-sense advice, like 'don't let the kids rattle the cage,' and a fairly clear step-by-step process for letting the bird know that you're not a threat - and that your hand is a place to find food.

Elizabeth Cantu also tells what to do, if the parakeet can't take the presence of your hand - at first.

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