Friday, June 19, 2009

Lemming Tracks: One Day, 21 Hours, and About Five Minutes Offline

The Lemming was away from cyberspace for quite a bit of this week: and rather hopes that won't happen again, any time soon.

What turned out to be a simple equipment failure kept me from updating anything, including this blog, for almost two days. It wasn't until yesterday afternoon that my oldest daughter and I put me back online.

I've got some serious catching up to do. But not today. Tomorrow, yes.

An account of what the Lemming experienced is in another blog:

"Thursday: Back Online, Finally"
Through One Dad's Eye (June 18, 2009)

"I had a one day, 21 hour, and about five minute, 'vacation' from the Internet.

"Not by choice.

"Tuesday afternoon, about ten minutes after four, I was writing a post for another blog...."

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