Monday, February 8, 2010

Minnesota Seasons: Inspiration and Tourism

"Minnesota Seasons"
Visit Minnesota
"Enjoy Minnesota in All Four Seasons of the Year!"

"Minnesota seasons offer more variety of climate and experience than almost any other place on earth. The changing seasons also offer more variety of experiences and activities than you can find in most travel destinations. Come for Minnesota vacations in every season of the year.

"Winter days sometimes warm to no more than -10 degrees F. Summer days can reach 100 degrees F. In between these extremes, however, are all of the delightful days and nights that make so many wonderful Minnesota memories...."

I was born in the Red River Valley of the North, between Minnesota and North Dakota, and have lived in central Minnesota for more than two decades. I love it here.

The climate of my home state takes a little getting used to, though. My hat's off to the copywriter who came up with that opening sentence: "Minnesota seasons offer more variey of climate and experience than almost any other place on earth." (I think the fifth word is supposed to be "variety" - but typos happen.

It can't be easy, trying to make the - interesting - climate we've got sound attractive to people who aren't used to snow in May, or freezing temperatures in August. That doesn't happen very often, but it's been known to.

Like I said, I love it here: but I was born in this part of the world, and weather elsewhere is, by my standards, boring.

Whatever else can be said about Minnesota's climate, boring it isn't.

Even better, from my point of view, is that it gives me something to write about from time to time. Like last Friday, when I had another 250 words to post in the Loonfoot Falls Chronicle Gazette:

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