Saturday, March 7, 2009

Air Force One: You May Not Have Seen This Many Photos in One Place

"Welcome aboard Air Force One"
Photographers / What makes a great picture? Reuters Blogs (March 6, 2009)

"Only two identical aircraft exist in the world which both share the same high-level function. They mirror one another precisely except for the numeric identifier on the tail. One reads 28000, the other 29000.

"They're as sleek as they are majestic. Anticipation runs high when either travels and both are red carpet worthy. They are concealed around-the-clock in a protective cocoon while being constantly pampered at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland...."

Lots of photos, quite a lot of description. This is one of the more detailed write-ups on Air Force One that I've seen. Someone described the post as "Awesome Air Force One photo blog report from Reuters" - My "awesome" setting is a bit higher than this, but this is a very good, informative, post.
Thanks to bnsullivan on Twitter, for the heads-up on this post.

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