Monday, July 7, 2008

A Media Executive's Personal Blog

"Kevin D Goodman "

"Personal weblog for Executive Creative Director of Sundown Media Concepts ------------------- NO HOLDS BARRED"

(from Kevin D. Goodman, used w/o permission)
"Arms" Kevin D Goodman

This blog is a pretty good place to go, if you want an inside look at a small business (small, as in not as big as Microsoft or Sony, with a very very hands-on executive).

Kevin D. Goodman has been updating every few days to a week or so lately, so you'll have a chance to see how the business - and his view of it - is evolving.

My favorite post to date is "Fictitious Planning. " (June 17, 2008). The blogger is getting some academic work done, including "... a fictitious marketing plan, based on a fictitious business plan, all evolving around hypothetical situations.... One thought in particular stood out in this post: "This project has reminded me that as we become embroiled in details we should occasionally refresh, step back, examine the larger picture, and reconsider different strategies."

Mr Goodman's got more material, on squidoo: Both of these squidoo pages are well-organized, have relevant links, and show signs of being written in a hurry - I noticed typos, on a fast read. Still, I think these are pretty good resources.
Update (July 7, 2008)
A new URL for the Sundown company:
Sundown Media Concepts LLC -

"Me, Too!

I've got a personal-view blog, too: "Starting a Small Business Without Losing My Mind" ("The continuing adventure of publishing online. Or, starting a business in a new market, with new technologies and no tried and true business models. Or, what to do with a miscellaneous resume. Or, getting laid off for fun and profit.")

There are quite a few differences between my blog and Mr. Goodman's.
  • He updates his blog more often than I do
  • Although we've got about the same amount of hair, his is mostly on the top of his head - mine is mostly on the bottom half


Anonymous said...

Thanks Norski.

My primary blog has moved to That too is new so it might take a little while for me to fill in the gaps.
But yeah, I'll still probably have an occasional post at blogger.
Thanks for the great review and mention of my Squidoo lenses, hopefully in time I can improve them.
We’ll follow up at “Starting a Small Business without losing my Mind”, I’m amazed that you manage so much!


Brian H. Gill said...

Kevin Goodman,

You're quite welcome.

And, thanks for the good words. I'll use this as an opportunity to drop a link to my 'hub' site: A Small World of Websites. Which, I see, needs a little editing.

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