Sunday, July 20, 2008

"But Everyone Uses..." Tale of a Clueless Librarian

"Stupid Client Quote #6149"
Clientcopia (April 7, 2008)

"I was once using the library computers to check my mail on Yahoo. The computer-inept librarian walked up behind me.

* Her: (shrieking) 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING???'
* Me: 'I'm checking my email--"
* Her: 'It looks like you're breaking into the computer!!'
* Me: 'No really -- I'm checking my mail.'
* Her: 'But that's not HOTMAIL!!'
* Me: 'I don't use hotmail. I use--'
* Her: 'But EVERYONE uses HOTMAIL!!'...

I believe this one: I've dealt with people like that. Odds are, you have too.

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