Thursday, July 31, 2008

Times Change: as this Peace Blog Shows

Actually it's more a "Liberty" blog.

The Mad Celt's Liberty Blog

"Welcome to "The Mad Celt's Liberty Blog"...a collection of quotes, pictures, documents and items which honor liberty, freedom, American Military Veterans and peace. Please feel free to leave a comment. Enjoy. (NOTE: This blog is in no way, or by any means, "Politically Correct")."

I'll let you decide how "Politically Correct" the blog is.

I remember the sixties quite vividly, and so still find it remarkable to see one person having good things to say about all the items in this list:
  • Honor
  • Liberty
  • Freedom
  • American Military Veterans
  • Peace
This survivor of the sixties is glad (and relieved) to see that at least some people no longer see American military veterans and peace as mutually contradictory. Looks like some things have changed for the better, since the days of Hanoi Jane and 'baby killer' rhetoric.

The Mad Celt's Liberty Blog has, among other things, a pretty good collection of quotations about liberty. Also a short but select list of links - including a set of "Resources for Veterans." (One of the links is to another of my blogs - which is how I became aware of The Mad Celt's Liberty Blog.)

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