Monday, July 7, 2008

Earthrace Trimaran: Cool Photos, Some Common Sense

"Fuel change breakthrough: biodiesel-powered speedboat Earthrace, around world in 60 days, beats record set in 1998 by 14 days"
WcP Blog (June 29, 2008)

Despite the 'quote ... unquote' bracketing this post, the copy seems to be unique.

What really stands out, though, are the very cool photos of a futuristic trimaran, and a rather lengthy article about this innovative vehicle. Even better, it doesn't have the hand-wringing bitterness that I see in so much 'green' writing.

The author has some good points about energy sources, and how people can think about new technologies.

Once again: those photos are cool.

More at Earthrace.

Finally, the WcP Blog post states "Trackback URL for this post:"

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