Sunday, July 6, 2008

Acme Klein Bottle makes one-meter Klein Bottle

"Giant Kleinbottle -- Kingbridge Centre"
Acme Klein Bottle

"In conjunction with Toronto's Kingbridge Centre and Killdee Scientific Glass, Acme Klein Bottle has finished the world's largest glass Klein Bottle. Scroll down for more photos!"

Acme Klein Bottle describes this model as "a nontrivial glassblowing project."

The thing stands one meter (roughly a yard) tall.

You've probably heard of Klein bottles. Here's how Acme Klein Bottle describes them: "To a mathematician, it's a one-sided bottle, homeomorphic to a disc with two crosscaps. To a glass worker, it's a major challenge in glassblowing. To the casual viewer, it's an accomplishment in art, glass, and mathematics."

They do a much better job on another page: "What is a Klein Bottle?."

There's a rather more technical description, with some quite decent diagrams, at "The Klein Bottle" (Harvey Mudd College Department of Mathematics).


Brigid said...

I just tried to read the description of what a Kein Bottle is.

My head hurts.

Brian H. Gill said...


I know what you mean. We're not wired to think about four spatial dimensions. It makes a lot of sense, though, when you get into the math a little. And, working with projections of a tesseract onto 3 dimensional space helps.

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