Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Writing: Fiction, Mostly

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1 comment:

Brian H. Gill said...

Term Papers,

Thanks: and that's what I do, about three times a day.

Everybody else,

www.usatermpapers.com is a term paper writing service. That's the website you'll reach if you follow "Term Papaers'" link.

I understand 'supply and demand' - but I've been an student, and I've been a teacher. Writing term papers, or anything else, involves effort: but I think it's worth it.

For the student, the sort of research and analysis required is a good learning tool. For the teacher, it's a pretty good way - although labor-intensive for grading - of finding out if the student actually learned anything, and if so: how much.

I'm dubious about the ethics of paying someone else to write your term paper for you. Even if I were, ah, open-minded enough to do so my self, I wouldn't.

First, there's money involved.

Second, I've seen what some other folks come up with when they try to do research: and my grade would be depending on the result.

For a virtually identical comment, see: "Oil Painting: Old Tech Art; New Tech Artists" (September 30, 2007).

Instructors: take note.

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