Thursday, July 3, 2008

Another Writer Writing About Writers Writing

"Dialogue, Introspection and Narrative, Scene and Summary"
Plot Whisperer for Writers and Readers (July 1, 2008)

What is a good percentage mix of Dialogue, Introspection and Narrative? Is there a good mix, or is it just what fits the story? Suspense romance writer -Florida

A story unfolds in scene, of course. And, scene is usually made up of dialogue and always action. But the dialogue I'm talking about is dialogue that advances the plot, NOT dialogue that is mere information dumping.

"Introspection can give insight into the inner workings of the character, but is inherently flat and thus slows the plot. Therefore..."

The two previous posts were on subplots and second drafts.

There's nothing radically new here: which means that, in my opinion, it's a pretty good resource for writing advice and opinion.

And, skimming through the first three posts (reading the first one a bit more thoroughly), this blogger seems to have sound experience and advice.

Also, some books to sell. When I've got the budget, I just might buy one of them.

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