Sunday, August 26, 2007

Noo Ideea: Mispeling For Sukses

"Do you optimize for misspellings?" has a startling recommendation: misspelling as an SEO technique.

I've got an opinion about this, briefly discussed at "Misspelling for Success?."


Unknown said...

I read an article (perhaps the same one) that recommended misspelling words because people who type in things on search engines often make errors. KPersonally, I wouldn't trust someone who can't spell the word for which I'm searching. If I find that I've made a typo in my search I'll always start over. If they don't care enough to spell things right then why would I trust them to get facts right, too?

Brian H. Gill said...

I agree with you.

Collector domains to accommodate key-entry error, and/or misspellings, yes. That's making the domain easier for people to get to.

There might be an SEO advantage to dumbing down a page, but I'd be concerned about what human beings would think of it.

However, my blogs and websites are geared for people who can read and write at about a seventh-grade level or above, so my standards wouldn't be for everyone.

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