Monday, September 3, 2007

Blog and Website Crossovers

"Does anybody have a website besides Blog?" is another BlogCatalog discussion string. I know: I post many of these, but they can be a good resource for bloggers.

The point of this one is that there are webmaster who are bloggers, and bloggers who run websites. The discussion should give you a feel for who some of these crossover types are.


Ashley Ford said...

i have a website and a blog. I have just recently started using wordpress and found it a great tool to use. I may not keep my webspace as a blog for the rest of my life but certainly for the moment its ok. Im actually a web designer and work for Myspace in the UK and my website is still on my blog server

and my blog is at

mikster said...

Just a blogger here.

Brian H. Gill said...

ashley ford,

Well, thanks! I'll take a look at your blog a little later.

Someone in town here thinks I should be working on their bulletin: and they're right!

Brian H. Gill said...

happily anonymous,

Greetings, fellow-blogger!

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