Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Widgets - One Blogger's Opinion

"10 Best Widgets For Your Blog." The title says it all.

Like everything else, entries in Ryan's Top 10 could be disputed.

For example, I wouldn't want to put Technorati Link Count on a blog, because my blogs are new, and don't have impressive numbers. Yet.

MyBlogLog’s Recent Readers is interesting to MyBlogLoggers, not so much to everyone else. (I use the equivalent BlogCatalog widget, because that's my online hangout.)

PollDaddy seems to duplicate Blogger's poll feature, and BlinkxIt, a video search-and-display widget, is something I wouldn't put on one of my blogs. I mean to say, have you seen some of the videos out there?!

But that's nitpicking. I happen to like Google Map Widget, and someone else might want one of the things I've mentioned as non-starters. The point is, "10 Best..." is a good widget-review resource.

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