Thursday, September 13, 2007

Chicago Architecture and Miscellaneous Relevance:
A Blog

" ArchitectureChicago PLUS A daily blog on architecture in Chicago, with a supplement of other topics cultural and political...." Miscellaneous Relevance

Today's post is "Farnsworth Saved From Drowning - Documentary Debuts Tonight" If you haven't a clue why this is important, except to Farnsworth, it's about Mies van der Rohe's Farnsworth House.

Yesterday's is "Chicago Streetscene - Voyagers," which is a photo of part of a crowd. That's all.

The September 11th post is "Emerging Chicago Architecture on CAF October 6 tour."

Preceeding posts include " No Escape(s) for The Palmer House," "Marsha White joins Marshall Fields Protesters" (what they're protesting, I haven't a clue), and "Tigerman, Wimer, Kerwin and the 2016 Olympics - late additions to the September calendar."

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