Monday, September 3, 2007

Art, or Marketing?

There's an artist in the United Kingdom who is apparently making a living by producing things like "4 Panel Weeping Willow" and "Spy Box."

The first is a drawing created with "50 pens suspened from the branches of a Weeping Willow tree create a drawing on 4 panels placed horizontally beneath the tree.
The drawing is accompanied by a looped video of its production."

The second is an animated film with what I'll grant is an imaginative subject. "A digital camera inside a parcel looks out through a small hole and captures images of its journey through the postal system. The Spy Box was sent from my studio to the gallery taking an image every 10 seconds recording a total of 6994 images these were then edited together to create an animated slideshow."

There have been times when I wonder if I went into the right lines of work.

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