Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Anonymity in the Blogosphere - Why?

In another blog, I often get anonymous comments. No name, no handle, nothing.

Never mind a URL - these are anonymous.

I've thought that commenting anonymously is a bit like engaging in a discussion with a bag over one's head. It can be done, but is a bit distracting.

Obviously, quite a few people don't see things that way. No problem: It's a personal decision.

Today, my curiosity got the better of me, and I started a discussion thread on BlogCatalog (a great online community - and that's an unpaid-for plug). Here's what I found out, in Why do People Write Anonymous Comments?."

One comment had a list that started at "Fear of reprisal from an employer" and ended with: "They're not shy, but they think their name is none of your damn business."

Quite right, the last point.

If you'd like to add your reason for maintaining anonymity on the Web and/or blogosphere, please feel free to do so. Anonymously, if you like.

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