Monday, June 9, 2008

This Go-Kart's a Gas!

"A go-kart that runs on air"
The Times of India (June 9, 2008)

" WASHINGTON: With fuel prices soaring, there is a need to look for alternatives to petrol, gas and diesel, and the answer to the problem lies in ‘air’ - literally so - as scientists have now developed cars that actually need air as a fuel, promising to run at great speeds.

"Inspired by air-powered car concepts in Europe, mechanical engineering students from Canada’s Dalhousie University — David Alderson, Scott Allan, David Langille, Michael Roy and Dave Spencer — have unveiled their air-powered go-kart. Under their year-long research project, these five Dalhousie mechanical engineering students have developed compressed air engine of their own....

"...The students modified a 40-year-old snowmobile engine and ran compressed air through the engine to produce power similar to a gas engine. They attached the engine to a refurbished go-kart using two scuba tanks to house the air. The air is released through a standard scuba fitting with a high-flow regulator. The released air travels through tubing to a ball-valve connected to the foot pedal and throttle."

Sounds like a great idea: although they're a little vague on where the energy to pump compressed air into the tanks comes from.

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