Tuesday, June 3, 2008

"1GB Camcorder Pen"
GeekAlerts (May 8, 2008)

"This quite discrete 'secret agent pen' features a built-in 1GB flash memory and it is capable or recording almost 3 hours of video with audio.

"Sitting in your shirt pocket, standing in the pen cup or lying on the desk no-one will ever notice as you secretly capture their every move. The built in flash stores the video until it is ready to be...."

Quite a remarkable device. Today, it costs a bit over $200. If this sort of thing goes the way of pocket calculators, this sort of thing should be showing up in cereal boxes in a few years.

Includes photos of this product.

I'm no 'privacy' advocate (see "Big Billboard is Watching You?" (May 31, 2008)), but that "lying on the desk no-one will ever notice as you secretly capture their every move" business might be a legitimate concern.

On the one hand, some office jerk could get naughty video of Fifi's vavooms.

On the other hand, Fifi could use hers to catch the jerk - and there are laws against that sort of things these days, in America.

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