Monday, February 25, 2008

Ten Guys Who Gals Should Shun

" Ten guys women should run from"

"One guy is needier than quicksand. Another is jealous of your cocker spaniel. A third quietly hates all womankind. Here's a list of men you should put in your rearview mirror, ASAP."

From "Joe No-Show" to "The Guy Who Had the Happiest Childhood This Side of the Beav."

(About that last one: He didn't.)

Funny, and a good set of 'heads-up' warnings.

One caveat: Some cases, like the virtual lover, assume contemporary moral / ethical values. I believe that human beings have both the ability and need to assert control over our endocrine system. If you do, too, you might take some of the advice with a grain of salt.

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