Saturday, November 17, 2007

Seashore Debris, Green Intentions, and Unexpected Aesthetic Sense

"Stuart Haygarth's Found Object Chandeliers"

As a rule, I'm not impressed with "artists" who dumpster-dive, glue what they find together, and sell the result to someone with a suitable good-sense/disposable-income ratio.

That's not true. I am impressed with their abilities as salespeople: but not as artists.

Haygarth seems to be an exception. "Tide Chandelier (sold out), for example, is composed of man-made debris that washed up on a specific stretch of Kent (England) coastline and that Haygarth had been collecting for years."

If I hadn't seen the photo, I would have expected the result to look like what some eccentrically artistic Englishman pieced together from debris he found on the Kent shore.

It does, of course: but the result is attractive.

I think it helped, that he cleaned the pieces.

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