Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Chicago Spire, CCTV Headquarters, and
Seven More Imaginative Projects

"top 9 unique structures soon to be built"

Photos, some description of each structure, and, in some cases, links to relevant websites.

What the Chicago Spire, the CCTV headquarters in China, and the other seven projects have in common is a willingness to put up buildings that aren't just like their neighbors. In fact, some of them are more like inhabitable sculptures than traditional buildings.

I like the look of them, although locals are calling one the "corn cob."

Non-standard structures like this sometimes require that special care be taken in basic engineering. Particularly in the case of China's CCTV headquarters, I hope that the architects have carefully calculated the building's stress loading.

For their sakes, and that of the people who will be in and near that excitingly-cantilevered structure.

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