Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Bananas on the Ceiling, and Other Works of Genius

Some of the designs shown in "It's Nice That / Product Design" may be a part of our everyday life in another few years. Some probably won't. Here's a sample:

"Beautiful recycled bananna (!) chandelier," for example, is just weird enough to wind up in the residence of people with a great deal of wealth and minimal taste.

"Availabot" may be inexpensive enough to justify its function. The thing plugs into a USB port and - no, you need to see it.

"'Brush And Rinse'" could start frivolous lawsuits. The concept is fine, but places demands on the awareness and reflexes of the user.

Then, there's "this ceramic toaster. 'Glide' is pure genius and the rightful winner of Designboom's 'Ceramics for Breakfast' compeition (!)." If you enjoy paper jams in your printer, you'll love this toaster!

Finally, equal rights for floor lamps. In the past, you unwound. Now, the floor lamp does.

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