Monday, October 20, 2008

That's Fishy: Woman's Odor is All in Her Head, Her Breath, and Her Genes

"Woman's fishy-smelling mystery solved" (October 19, 2008)

"A WOMAN who spent four decades puzzled by a pungent body odour 'resembling rotting fish' has finally had the smell explained by Australian doctors.

"The woman has been diagnosed with an incurable genetic condition called trimethylaminuria, or fish malodour syndrome, which affects the smell of sweat, breath and urine...."

"...Part of doctors' examinations included 'being sniffed', with all writing her off as a hypochondriac.

" 'She was repeatedly told that she had a hygiene neurosis,' the specialist said...."

Let's not be too hard on the doctors who said that her smell was all in her head: it can be embarrassing to admit that you haven't a clue. And, it still seems to be 'well known' among doctors that women are hysterical and make up all kinds of ailments. Like PMS.

Oh, yes: and teething babies don't feel pain.

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