Sunday, November 23, 2008

Edmonton Meteor on Video and in Scientists' Thoughts

"Police dash cam of Meteor over Edmonton, Canada"
YouTube (November 20, 2008)
video (0:16)

"Police dash cam of Meteor over Edmonton, Canada. Filmed about 5:30pm Thursday November 20th 2008."

This bit of video shows an eight-second clip twice. Even with the way-below-studio-quality imagery, and no sound, it's spectacular.

There's more to the Edmonton meteor than a Canadian light show.

"Martin Beech, an associate professor of astronomy at the University of Regina, said meteorites are valuable to learning about the history of the solar system.

" 'Picking up a meteorite is almost equivalent to doing a space exploration mission between Mars and Jupiter,' he said."

Which is why scientists are looking for pieces of this thing. And, they're in a hurry; since after it snows, nobody's going to find the pieces until spring.

In the news:
Updated (November 29, 2008)

Pieces have been found:

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