Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, July 26, 2010

Flying Cucumber? Psychedelic Skyrocket? Dress?!

"The worst dress in the history of Earth?"
Oddly Enough, Reuters blog (July 26, 2010)

"Blog Guy, I'm a very strict father with a parenting question. My daughter's prom is next weekend, and…..."

"...Anyway, you know how kids behave at those things, and I'm afraid the boys will be trying to get her to do you-know-what. So I'm looking to find a prom dress that will keep her absolutely safe...."

Robert Basler found some - thing?

"...Picture a large, festive zucchini with wings and a peephole...."

That's a real - dress?? - created by Ivory Coast designer Anderson D. It was, according to Reuters, shown during Dakar Fashion Week (July 18, 2010).

Photographer Finbarr O'Reilly took these pictures. The Oddly Enough post doesn't say whether they were taken covertly, or if the DFW was aware that their actions were being recorded.

What's impressive, to me, is that Oddly Enough's humor notwithstanding - this is supposed to be an example of serious fashion design.

The thing reminds me of some sort of fireworks rocket. Here's another look: those wings move.

(Finbarr O'Reilly, via Oddly Enough/Reuters, used w/o permission)

In fairness, there must be clothing designers somewhere who are sane. What impresses me is the number of those who come up with "creations" like this. And apparently get paid to do so.

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