Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Otter of the Highlands: and Kitten

"Otter and kitten become friends"

DeadlinenewsTV, YouTube (January 30, 2009)
video, 1:32

"An otter saved from death by a kind-hearted postie has found a new best friend - a three-month-old kitten called Kevin.

"Orla the otter was found last week lying abandoned in the middle of a country road by postman Kenny Wilson as he drove to a car rally in the Highlands...."

I'm not entirely sure that the kitten knows what to make of the otter. Or maybe it's the camera that has the kitten a bit nonplussed. But not, I'd say, terribly concerned.

A tip to irish_brigid, on Twitter, for the heads-up on this video.

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