Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Lemming Tracks: What's With All the Cute Animal Videos?

The Lemming doesn't, as a rule, go overboard on the subject of cute animals. Well, I try not to. Then, there were the cute critters in today's three posts.

My excuse is that it's Easter Sunday, and I decided to give myself a break with some quick-and-easy micro-reviews. Besides, many people associate Easter with cute bunny rabbits and colored eggs.

There's more to it than that, but I've discussed that in another blog. ("He's Alive!" (April 3, 2010), for starters)

So: Enjoy the cute bunnies! Also the baby otter and kitten.


  1. Awkward sentence: "The Lemming doesn't, as a rule, go overboard on the subject of cute animals as much the cute critters in today's three posts."

    *I* know what you meant. I think.

    The Friendly Neighborhood Proofreader

  2. Brigid,

    So do I - I think. Know what I thought I meant.

    Instead of trying to sort that out, I re-wrote the first paragraph. A trifle more coherently, I hope.



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