Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Binkys: Lots and Lots of Binkys

"The Ultimate Binky Video"

furnetworkz, YouTube (May 07, 2008)
video, 4:11

"What is a binky? An expression of joy from a rabbit.

"When a rabbit binkies, it jumps into the air, often twisting and flicking its feet and head.

"This is a compilation of all the binkies I've seen them do since January...."

Unlike what appeared on yesterday's post, this really is a video: with music instead of ambient sounds.

It may be the "ultimate" binky video: but I'm no expert.


And yeah: I'm doing 'rabbit' micro-reviews today.
A tip of the hat to my oldest daughter, who is brigidtheirish on YouTube. This video is from one of her playlists.

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