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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

zzz-mailing: Using The Intenet - Asleep

"Sleep-walker emails friends" (December 15, 2008)

"A WOMAN in a deep sleep sent emails to friends asking them over for wine and caviar in what doctors believe is the first reported case of 'zzz-mailing' - using the internet while asleep.

"The case of the 44-year-old woman is reported by researchers from the University of Toledo in the latest edition of the medical journal Sleep Medicine.

"They said the woman went to bed about 10pm but got up two hours later and walked to her computer in the next room, Britain's Daily Mail newspaper reports.

"She turned it on, connected to the internet, and logged on before composing and sending three emails.

"Each was in a random mix of upper and lower cases, not well formatted and written in strange language, the researchers said.

"One read: 'Come tomorrow and sort this hell hole out. Dinner and drinks, 4pm,. Bring wine and caviar only.'..."

The sleeping pills may have had something to do with it. She'd been taking Zolpidem: the commercial name in America is Ambien.

This is a step or two up from sleepwalking. She had to remember her password, and the procedure for starting her computer and getting on the Internet.

More, at

1 comment:

  1. Well, considering that I can type my username and password while barely thinking, or even looking, I'd say that's possible.

    But still, good grief.


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