Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Lights Aren't Just for the Tree

"Inspiration: Alternative Uses For Christmas Lights"
Apartment Therapy Los Angeles

"As part of our family tradition growing up, we'd always string lights around the Christmas tree the first weekend after Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, we don't have the space to put up a real tree in our apartment but we still like the warm glow of a simple strand of white lights. We rounded up a handful of AT reader ideas and previous posts to make your apartment sparkle (even if you don't have the traditional Christmas tree)...."

There are photos, showing what the projects look like when finished: and somewhat sketchy descriptions of how to get there.

I think it's worth looking at, though, for people who like to decorate but are short on space. And, what really impressed me about this how-2 page was that some of the ideas for using Christmas lights could be done by someone who wasn't Martha Stewart and/or Bob Vila.

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