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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Blue-Colored Streetlights Reduce Crime, Suicide?!

"Can Blue-Colored Light Prevent Suicide?"
By John M. Grohol, Psy.D.
PsychCentral (December 13, 2008)

"An intriguing, anecdotal finding was recently reported by some news outlets that the implementation of blue-colored streetlights has reduced both crime and suicides:

"Glasgow, Scotland, introduced blue street lighting to improve the city’s landscape in 2000. Afterward, the number of crimes in areas illuminated in blue noticeably decreased.

"The Nara, Japan, prefectural police set up blue street lights in the prefecture in 2005, and found the number of crimes decreased by about 9 percent in blue-illuminated...."

The answer to the titles question is, basically, 'maybe, and then again maybe not.' There simply isn't enough data yet. Still, this is something that should be worth studying. Particularly a few years from now, when there's more information to work with.

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