Top Posts, the Lemming,
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Monday, December 15, 2008

Scientific American's Change and Stasis in 2008: Obama, Large Hadron Collider, AIDS, and Probably More

"2008 in Photos--10 Biggest Science Stories"
Scientific American (December 15, 2008)

"A slide show looking back at the people, places and discoveries that shaped the world of science over the past year"

"2008 was a year of sweeping change, as China reinvented itself for its Olympic close-up and relative newcomer Barack Obama fought his way to victory in an election that carried hefty implications for the future of science policy in the U.S. But it was also a time of frustrating stasis: The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ground to a halt shortly after its heralded start-up and sits dormant as the year draws to a close, and the 25th anniversary of the identification of the virus that causes AIDS passed without a cure in sight...."

It's that time of year: I figure we'll be seeing a lot more lists about what happened in 2008 over the next two weeks.

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