Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Monday, December 15, 2008

Beware Sandwich-Throwing Boyfriends

There is a funny side to this "Odd News" item about two sandwich-throwing boyfriends, and their girlfriends and mothers.

I mean to say: assault with a sandwich?

It's serious, too. One of the twits broke his girlfriend's glasses. That's serious enough: but she was giving him and their infant a ride at the time. From his mother's place.

From the news:

"Port St. Lucie man accused of hurling sandwich in girlfriend's face" Odd News (December 15, 2008)

"PORT ST. LUCIE — A 20-year-old welder accused of throwing a sandwich at his girlfriend and hitting the top of her head with his fist is facing a battery charge, according to a police report released Monday...

"...The recent incident reportedly happened Friday morning when Matthew J. Rubin, 20, allegedly hurled a sandwich at his 19-year-old girlfriend during an argument.

"The girlfriend told police that Rubin argued with his mother about renewing his car insurance, and he reportedly denied that she told him to do so. Rubin allegedly "snapped" when his girlfriend told him his mother did tell him about the insurance...."

There's been at least one other assault-with-a-sandwich incident in Port St. Lucie recently:

"...That alleged melee began after the victim picked up Emmanuelle Rodriguez — her boyfriend and child's father — from his mother's house in Port St. Lucie. They headed north on Interstate 95 to their new apartment in Fort Pierce as their infant son slept in the back.

"The victim told police Rodriguez got angry while she drove and 'started to hit her in the arm and striking her in the face with a sandwich, knocking her glasses off her face,' the report states.

"The victim almost lost control of the vehicle because she couldn't see the road. Rodriguez then ripped off the rear view mirror and used it to beat and shatter the windshield. She exited I-95 at St. Lucie West and told Rodriguez to get out and get his mother to pick him up...."

Petulant Boys, Sandwiches, and Common Sense

I wouldn't wish over-age-in-grade preteens like these two on any woman: mother or girlfriend. And, I'm not blaming the girlfriends involved: I understand what it's like to have emotion override higher brain functions.

Just the same: there's something to be said for taking time to observe that dreamy hunk before letting him move in.

I'm embarrassed for the two sandwich-throwers: particularly the one who was told to have his mother pick him up.

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