Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Saturday, April 12, 2008

"WOW! Women on Writing Blog:" Women Writing About Women Writing About ...

"WOW! Women on Writing Blog: the Muffin"

Today's post (April 12, 2008) is called "Roller Coaster Reviews."

It has nothing to do with roller coasters.

It does, however, deal with the 'roller coaster' emotional ride that a woman feels when she, as a woman, has written a book: and reviews of the woman's book start coming in. And, of course, get read by the woman.

The woman who wrote this post closes with good advice to women who write: "All you can do is put your story out into the world. Some people will embrace it, others will not, and that's okay. You have new stories to tell and your characters need your emotional attention."

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