Top Posts, the Lemming,
and Other Stuff

Friday, December 23, 2011

Gingerbread, Fruitcake, and Eggnog Nightmare #2

Christmas is just around the corner. This is the time of year when
  • Stores are awash in a sea of red and green decorations and seasonal merchandise
  • Otherwise-sensible folks
    • Max out their credit cards
    • Get to all the family gatherings
      • Or go nuts, trying
    • Forget their dessicated-tofu-and-lichee-nuts diet
      • And scarf down good old fashioned
        • Christmas cookies
        • Apple cider
        • Pecan pie
        • Hot chocolate
        • Chicken and dumplings
        • Eggnog
        • More Christmas cookies
        • Fruitcake
        • Lutefisk
        • More eggnog
There's nothing wrong, in the Lemming's opinion, with colorful store decorations, special holiday food, or seeing relatives. Holidays are supposed to be special.

On the other hand, shoveling high-octane food on top of an already-quivering pile of stress: that may not be quite such a good idea. Which brings the Lemming to this year's holiday picture. You met them last year: now Wayne and Wanda are back, with another vision from the wonderful world of holiday excess:

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